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Afar Community Initiative Sustainable Development Association

  ACISDA Vision / Mission 

Vision: ACISDA vision: We are committed and ensured to create women and girls to be strong and independent society without inequalities and any form of discrimination, and enjoys their fundamental rights and equal opportunities.


Mission: ACISDA mission is improving the life condition of most marginalized and hard-to-reach Afar pastoral women’s and girls’ through implementing its projects focusing on gender equality, women’s rights, elimination of gender based violence GBV and including harmful traditional practice HTPs, maternal neonatal health improvement, sexual reproductive health rights,  and addressing access to education for Afar pastoral children’s with promoting inclusive education focusing on girls education and children with disability (CWD).


 Previously Implemented Projects
              and its donors

Completed/Phase-out Projects:
- Establishment of a maternity and care network Zone 5 (Dalifage,     Dewe, Talalak, Hadale Ela Komami): reduce mortality of women      in childbirth and young children
- Electrification and water supply in the health center Dalifage
- Electrification of schools and drilling Hanle Dabi and Galsa
- Water supply and sanitation hygiene administrative center of       Dewe
- Electrification the health center and school of Galsa

    Donor and Partner:

- France Embassy Ethiopia
- MNA (Mieux Naître en Afrique) Better Born in Africa
- ESF (Electriciens Sans Frontières) Electricians Without Borders
- Kelissa - Japan Embassy

 Organizational Structure and Governing Board/councils

The ACISDA has its board members and the executive director. ACISDA has a board having 5 members (3 female) and, professionally, it has 1 accounting, 1 management, 1 sociologist. The reaming 2 are male and professionally, it has 1 civil engineer, 1 educational planning and management. The executive director has accountable to the boards as well as the general assembly of ACISDA. The ACISDA organization projects activity are directing and leading by the Executive Director of ACISDA.  The Executive Director has been submitting each projects progress report in each quarter for the board members, government bodies and donors/ partner organization. The board committees members have conduct a meeting in each quarter in order to monitor the progress of each ACISDA projects implementation. In line with, the board members closely follow-up and monitor each projects achievement towards to the organization mission and strategic direction. In addition, ACISDA shall have a general assembly meeting once per year.

The General Assembly (GA) is the top decision-making organ of ACISDA. It hears and approves the auditor’s report, annual work plan and annual reports as well as revision and endorsement of organizational policy documents. External auditor and Board appointment are also the responsibility of the GA. The GA is electing the board members. The GA is required to meet at least once per year as per the bylaw. The GA has 30 members out of which 21 are female and 9 are male.

 Past experience

our implementing partners



The association has implemented some tangible and visible activities in dewe woreda of the afar regional state in zone five. When in the previous year we have made remarkable achievement in the scope of women empowerment and rangeland management. In addition to, the organization has implemented awareness creation activities and support HIV patients through home based care service under ‘’HIV AIDS prevention care and support’’ project in Dewe woreda of the Afar Regional state. In addition to, the organization has implementing ‘’Mother and child care’’ project jointly with France Embassy which is social and development fund working at 5 woreda. Moreover, a lot of medical equipment and drug provided to the Dalifage Hospital to enhancing the health services of the target community. In line with this currently, the organization has signing the ‘’water supply sanitation and hygiene’’ project with Japan Embassy and starting its implementation at Dewe woreda. Therefore, the following are our major activities that has accomplished by the organization.




  • We were establishing three WSSG Women Self help saving and Credit Group. Currently

the women groups are well functional and improved their household income through IGA income
generating activities. Each group have 20 members and lead by their bylaws and WSSG manual.

  • Provide trainings for community clan leaders, religious leaders, elder women and

men and girls are participated in the awareness creation of FGC/M practice. Totally, 20 female and
25 male participated.

  • Established rangeland management committees in four kebele for manage the grazing system.

They are a great responsibility for proper utilization and management of their grazing areas.
Provided training for the established committee members on the improvement of pasture
condition. Totally, 10 female and 10 male participated in the training.

  • Provide home based care service for AIDS patients and conducted peer education trainings for

youths. Moreover, we established CC Community Conversation group at 10 kebele. Currently, they
are actively participated and engaged by their outstanding issues.

  • The association has been undertaking the afar “mother and child care” project activities. The

project funded by the social and development fund of the France government.

  • Provision of medical equipment and drug for the Dalifage Hospital.

  • Provided water and electricity power supply for the Hospital through solar energy.

  • Currently, the organization has singing the Water supply and sanitation and hygiene project with

Japan Embassy “Japanese grant assistance for grass rout and human security project’’. Under this
project 5 hand dag well and 5 pit latrine will be constructed at the end of the project in the
selected five schools at Dewe woreda.


The above-mentioned activities was implemented by the contribution of association member own initial fund, some grant of Zonal HAPCO and the France government of social and development fund and Japan Embassy. Related to this, we have a recommendation and supportive letter from the implementing woreda, which is Dewe woreda and Dalifage for our remarkable effort.
Therefore, we would like to request you to prepared outstanding project proposal that to fulfill and
secured the livelihood condition of the pastoralist community in sustainable way of manner.


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